Green Art + Environmental Design

Phoebe Crisman, University of Virginia, delves into the relationship between art and sustainability.

Phoebe Crisman, University of Virginia, explores the broad spectrum of “arts” as they relate to sustainability. Art can bring people together and can tap into emotive and experiential relationships. “It’s a shared human experience,” said Crisman.

Public art: political and ethical meet the aesthetic. Working on a restoration and reclamation of an area with high levels of toxicity in on the Elizabeth River in Virginia, Crisman and fellows created a “learning barge” to teach people about the restoration and wetland remediation. Children interact with different aspects on the barge including a water pump that shows how water is pumped through the home as well as natural features such as rivers. The barge allows children to work with the remediation tools, such as testing salt water and fresh water plants.

She used vivid yellow kites to emote a hopeful and joyful feeling on the opening day of the completed project. Instead of focusing solely on research and creating a paper proposal for further restoration of the site, Crisman used art to convey the values of sustainability.

Crisman’s students did a series of paintings for the barge that conveyed the color scheme of the barge as well as the decorative features, such as pillows.

1) art as a critique of the world

2) visual openess, communicate through art

3) role of collaboration and process of making

4) sustainability and education of change, art as motivator

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